Message Templates
Why send dull emails? Make your next video email stand out with our collection of message templates. Learn more about how you can create a beautifully designed email by watching the video below!
With Cheers video Mail, human communications are more personal.
Your email message should be unique and demonstrate your identity.
You can personalize any email template to your liking. Add your logo, change the colors to match your brand and much more!
Readily available for use are email templates for a multitude of occasions. Choose from birthday cards, announcements, news letters, name it; if we don’t have it we’ll make it!
Not only you can personalize your email templates, but also the video production templates.
You can brand your video templates by adding your logo, include a name and time stamp, as well as adding a text message.
Choose what suites your recording and you’re good to go!
To learn more about how to customize your email and video templates, check our learning centre.
Professional and premium subscriptions include free creation of custom templates.
Don’t hesitate to contact our professional services team for any additional services.
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Not sure how you want to design your message? Choose from over 60 templates to help make your message stand out!
We've got templates for birthdays, national days, newsletters, announcements and many more!
Message templates, with Cheers Video Mail.
Tired of looking at plain emails?
Spruce up your next message with a message template!
The Cheers Video Mail team has created a multitude of templates with designs for any occasion or mood. You can browse and use our collection of templates, and even customize them to your liking.
Pop your favourite one into a new message, insert your video and text and you’re good to go!
Take a look at our beautiful message templates by visiting Cheers Video Mail.
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